Sunbelt Rentals

Recent Posts by Sunbelt Rentals:

Sunbelt Rentals MTS™ Engineered to be the Ideal Temporary Warehouse in Harsh Winter Climates

When you hear the word, “temporary,” what comes to mind?

If you aren’t thinking, “tough,” “durable,” and “long-term,” think again.

Temporary structures are ideal warehouse solutions for expanding product lines, seasonal needs, or for companies needing a “gap” solution when production can’t stall during construction of a permanent facility.

Quick Response Saves the Day for Oil Refinery Turnaround

Petroleum refining in the United States is a $500 billion industry. According to Statista, in 2017, US oil refineries produced some 13 million barrels per day!

Sunbelt Rentals recently had the opportunity to partner with a global company whose U.S. oil refinery was preparing for a scheduled turnaround in one of their units. Turnarounds and required maintenance functions are scheduled and meticulously planned months in advance to adhere to OSHA and EPA guidelines.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Manufacturing

2 Ways to Expect Your Fabric Structure Project Manager to Go Beyond the Basics

Think about the different types of people you interact with every day—from staff to consultants to vendors and contractors. Do you want people that say “yes” to every request, regardless of whether it’s the right solution? Or do you want people who aren’t afraid to tell you there might be a better approach?

Topics: Project Management

Customize Your Temporary Structure for Success from the Ground Up

A temporary structure is often the most economical and ideal solution for industrial construction and manufacturing needs. Customization turns a basic structure design into the exact application you need for your project. 

Topics: Custom Structures

Safety Training Must Be a Focus Both On and Off the Job for Construction, Manufacturing, and Temporary Structure Crews

Sixty-two billion dollars. That’s how much U.S. companies pay each year to cover expenses associated with workplace injuries, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index. That’s practically pocket change compared to the $250 billion companies lost last year from employees sustaining injuries off the job, according to the National Safety Council.

Topics: Temporary Warehouses and Storage Construction and Maintenance Covers Project Management

Memphis Business Receives National Honors for Its Commitment to Fighting Poverty

Sunbelt Rentals Fabric Structures has been inducted into the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City Hall of Fame and honored on the Inner City 100 Businesses List for the seventh year in a row for our hometown, Memphis, TN. Sunbelt Rentals was chosen for its commitment to Memphis’ inner city, developing its workforce and growing the economy.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure

Are Your Tie-Off Safety Standards Evolving? Fall Prevention is a Critical Component of Fabric Structures


Do you strive to only deliver the bare minimum to your customers? Neither do we. In fact, we frequently see our clients and our own crew go above and beyond in their on-site safety standards—even exceeding OSHA requirements.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Project Management

Engineering Safety Key for Weathering Extreme Conditions

The following article was originally published in the May 2018 edition of BIC Magazine.

When people ask about factors affecting oil prices, industry vets often point to three things: taxes, politics, and weather. As the U.S. Energy Information Administration puts it: Worldwide supply and demand determines the prices for crude oil; demand varies depending on factors like the economy and the weather, and weather events in the United States and political events in other countries affect supply.

Topics: Industry News

Manufacturing Growth in the Third Industrial Revolution Creates Demand for Continuity Solutions

Over the past 25 years, exports of U.S.-manufactured goods have quadrupled, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. And, it’s not expected to slow down any time soon. Manufacturing is booming in the Third Industrial Revolution as new technologies drive significant efficiency gains and demand for a highly-skilled labor pool. What does this kind of growth look like? According to the Manufacturing Institute, over the next seven years, an estimated 3.5 million high-skill manufacturing jobs will be created.
Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Temporary Warehouses and Storage Project Management

Choosing the Right Flooring Option for Your Fabric Building

When it comes to flooring for your temporary fabric structure, you have a lot of options to consider. The first is whether your project requires flooring at all.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Amenities