Sunbelt Rentals

Recent Posts by Sunbelt Rentals:

Host an Amazing Event with Fabric Structures, Regardless of Weather Plans


When planning for an event, an organizer can typically control and account for just about anything and everything – the number of attendees, where guests will sit, how they will sit, what will they eat, and where will guests enter and exit. Everything is expertly planned. Everything, that is, except for the weather.

Topics: Extreme Weather Structures Project Management

Best Practices to Stand-Out at Trade Shows with a Temporary Structure

If a business wishes to reach a large audience when promoting their products or services, they typically need to advertise across multiple different channels. There is one exception to this rule: trade shows and expositions. Both trade shows and expositions bring together a large audience with a built-in interest in a specific topic, creating the opportunity for businesses to reach a lot of people in one central location. A lot of resources go into exhibiting at a trade show, and companies need to be diligent and intentional when preparing to attend a trade show or exhibition.

Topics: Project Management

Expert Q&A: Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Temporary Fabric Structures

Facilities managers are always looking for new strategies to save energy and cut costs. According to Energy Star, the average commercial building wastes 30 percent of its energy consumption due to inefficiencies. This hits operations where it hurts—the bottom line.

Turnkey fabric structures offer a wide variety of amenities, like climate control and lighting options, to keep your crews comfortable, your materials protected, and your overall energy expenses in check. Selecting the right amenities for your project and properly maintaining them is key to maximizing energy efficiency in your temporary structure. 

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Temporary Warehouses and Storage Manufacturing Amenities Project Management

History in the Making: Temporary Fabric Structure Innovations, Part 2

In 2007, Sunbelt Rentals installed the world’s tallest clearspan structure to cover a 777 jet.

Over the course of our 94-year history, Sunbelt Rentals has developed a legacy of innovation by tackling our customers’ problems with state-of-the art ideas and solutions. These innovations have also become meaningful industry contributions. In Part 1 of this series, we shared Sunbelt Rentals' breakthrough solutions from our first five decades, like the development of the first mechanical post driver.

As a more recent example, in 1999 Sunbelt Rentals was the first to use insulated guardian steel sidewalls on temporary fabric structures. This design—first used on an on-location movie set—was a solution for our client’s unique security needs. Today, many of our competitors mimic this ingenious hard wall approach. 

In Part 2 of this series, learn about Sunbelt Rentals' game-changing innovations over the past four decades, each custom-designed to address the unique needs and ever-arising challenges of our customers.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Entertainment and Events Construction and Maintenance Covers

History in the Making: Temporary Fabric Structure Innovations, Part 1

“There’s a way to do it better. Find it.” These words, attributed to Thomas Edison, are a solid reminder that if you’re doing things the way they’ve always been done, there’s almost certainly a better way.

Consider a time when massive, solid 40-foot posts used to support pole tents were put up completely manually by a large crew using little more than a lot of rope. Sure, it worked. But in 1939, Sunbelt Rentals found a way to improve the process. And this improvement resulted in a better end-product and reduced installation time as well as cost-savings for the customer.

One seemingly cardinal business truth that has stood the test of time is: Companies that stand still risk extinction. Customers rightfully expect more from their suppliers and service-providers. Innovative companies are successful because they deliver the superior products and services their customers are looking for.

In Part 1 of this two-part series, learn about Sunbelt Rentals' first 50 years of innovative solutions. These solutions revolutionized what customers have come to expect from a temporary structure provider.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Custom Structures

Maintaining the Mechanical Integrity of Your Temporary Structures

In 2003, Marsh Insurance published a study of 100 accidents in petrochemical facilities that were caused by mechanical integrity failures. The average cost for physical damage alone was the equivalent of over $116 million in today’s dollars. The estimated costs became even more staggering when loss of production was added, not to mention the safety threat.

The petrochemical industry has come a long way since then, but mechanical integrity is still of vital concern for both safety and facility performance. Although piping failures account for a majority of these petrochemical losses according to the Center for Chemical Process Safety, applying the best practices of ensuring mechanical integrity to all your equipment and structures can save you money and prevent significant down time.

This includes considering how you can protect your investment in your temporary fabric structures by making sure they are installed correctly and regularly inspected.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Oil and Gas

Using a Concrete Foundation with Temporary Structures

One reason temporary fabric structures work well for so many industries and applications is because they are so flexible. They can vary greatly in size and features, and they can also be installed on nearly any available ground surface. Although many people choose to install their temporary structure on dirt, gravel or existing asphalt, in some cases, a concrete foundation provides enhanced usability, extra stability, or unique features.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure

What to Expect When your Fabric Structure Needs are Complete

For many projects, temporary fabric structures are an ideal solution. When you lease a temporary structure--whether it’s for months or a week--you already know you’ve solved a couple of big problems regarding budget and time.

Permanent construction can’t compete with the flexibility instant structures offer. Temporary structures are scalable and mobile.

They are also temporary—not forever. They are there when you need them and removed when your project is complete.

Topics: Clearspan Fabric Structure Amenities Project Management

Two Ways Fabric Buildings Maximize Construction Project Profitability

Large construction projects involve expensive equipment, large crews, multiple stakeholders and lengthy timeframes. With so many moving parts, complications and unexpected costs are guaranteed. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, large-scale projects typically take 20 percent longer than scheduled and can be up to 80-percent over budget.

But with today’s innovative job site solutions, complications and hidden costs don’t have to slow you down or diminish returns on your next project. Temporary structures are an ideal solution to protect your site, equipment, crews and your bottom line.

Topics: Business Continuity Construction and Maintenance Covers

Save Money to Make Money: The Financial Advantages of Using Temporary Structures in your Business Continuity Plan

In the manufacturing industry, business is booming. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, “Demand for manufactured goods remained strong at the end of 2017, which was a strong year for growth in factory orders, up a whopping 8.4 percent year-over-year in December.”

While growth may be good for your business, this heightened level of demand can have unintended consequences on your bottom line. As a business continuity solution, temporary structures are key to fast growth with minimal capital expense.

Topics: Business Continuity